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Site Comments

Site Comments is a collaboration tool that enables your team to communicate feedback

Updated over a week ago

The entire review process is faster, clearer and more accurate, giving you better service, faster go-live, and allowing more time to scale your organization. It also eliminates the need for alternative methods of communication (such as email, messages, phone calls, etc.) and creates a single channel for sending feedback and responding to it.

Use Cases

  • Internal communication between team members only

  • Collecting feedback as you review the site

  • Making notes while building the site

  • During the QA process

  • Creating a record of comments and responses

Access Site Comments

The comments bar controls the Site Comments functions. The comments bar is located on the right of the screen and includes the following actions/tabs:

The bar can be minimized by clicking the X icon and can be reopened by clicking on the comments icon on the top bar.

Add Site Comments

To add site comment:

  1. Click the plus + icon on the comments bar. Comments can be added to any element on the site.

  2. Click on an element to add a comment. Hover on the element to help position the comment accurately.

  3. Choose whether you want the comment to be internal or visible to clients and your team.

  4. Enter your comment in the input field. You can also add an image as a comment by clicking on image icon in the bottom right corner of the comment field.

  5. Click Submit.


Comments always retain the same visibility settings, meaning if a comment starts as Internal it will remain Internal and if a comment starts visible to the client it will stay visible to clients.

Edit and Delete Site Comments

Comments can be edited or deleted by the person who creates them or by a team member.

  1. Open the comment you want to edit or delete.

  2. Hover over the comment, and click the more icon.

  3. Click Edit or Delete.

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